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SEND Primary Panathlon - Afternoon Slot (Inclusive/SEND)

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Each School can enter a maximum of one group. If you have more, please enter these on the waiting list/Additional teams.

Overview: A rotation based mutli-sports competition including games in athletics, boccia, kurling, basketball, football and others. 

Eligibility: Any child on the SEN register (other than Emotional and Behavioural children who the teacher thinks could disrupt the event for the majority). You can include Deaf and Autistic children.

Team: Teams should consist of 5-8 young people, aged 5 to 11 years. School teams will stay together throughout all the activity rotations and collect team points. All the children will receive a medal, certificate and the winning teams will receive a trophy.

Event Schedule: 5 rotations, then a short break, then 3 more rotations. If time permits non-scoring relay races, followed by team presentations.

H&S: Please ensure one member of staff who attends with the team is first aid trained. 

Spectators: Are welcome, however they must remain on the balcony and refrain for taking pictures. They are the schools responsibility, and will be asked to leave if they do not follow the BPSS Code of Conduct.

Please note non buy in schools will be charged to attend.

This event will take place 12/02/2025 at 12:30PM until 2:30PM

Available From: 19/11/2024

Available To: 29/01/2025

Capacity: 10

Seats Left: 4

Venue: Copthall Leisure Centre

Cost: £0.00

This event is currently unavailable to book.